The Scientist Medical Marijuana Documentary New 2015 HD
Below is a great science-based documentary about Medical Marijuana. A great perspective from one of the world's leading scientist on the subject. Also note above the "types" of Cannabis, the info is little known yet extremely vital when identifying symptoms, conditions and more important cures.
So if you like it share it! Let's make sure everyone gets the real facts when it comes Medical Marijuana.
YouTube Video
The Scientist Medical Marijuana Documentary
New For 2016
Maybe the most important aspect of Medical Marijuana is the simple chart as shown above. from a Medical perspective the effect is something that is very important when choosing Medical strains for a certain condition or symptom. As it really does matter what you choose and how you choose your medicine. So take a minute and get familiar with the chart (print it out) believe me once you hit the dispensary or the hundreds of strains on the market you'll thank me!
Not only will it give you a better understanding of the strains and their medical effectiveness
Purple Kush
Astrong Grape smell and unmistakably flowery taste with a very high THC level. The
high usually lasts about an hour or two depending on the drying and
curing process. There are many types of Kush. Purple Kush is one of the
most potent strains of Medical Cannabis on the market to date. A very nice select strain of Indica (try buying some) it comes highly recommended for a number of conditions as well as their symptoms that usually accompany most. It does kick off a nice body-high so evening use is somewhat recommended as it will 'nail you to the wall" literally speaking. S be aware about all that stuff you had planned "before" you hit this Kush is all I'll say But the benefits kick in swiftly, the bud is effective hands down.
For really good info on exactly which medical strains treat which health
conditions take look at this excellent book over on Amazon that breaks
down the 15 Major Health Conditions Blow By Blow and gives a great
explanation of each. Next it goes in to great detail on just how Medical
Marijuana effectively helps each condition and its accompanying
symptoms. Then pairs each condition with the best medical strains
available to guarantee great treatment herbally, naturally organically!
So check it out it could change your life!
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