Attention Dispensary owners! Let me ask a couple quick questions...If I may?
In today's “Digital Marketplace” and with everything just a click away...with 1,000's of options, offers
what separates your dispensary from the rest???
Do you have mid or long-term objectives
to keep your dispensary out in front in today's
ultra-competitive marketplace???
Did you know currently there are
Tens of Thousands of “patients” out there right now on the “World
Wide Web” looking for you, your products and services...your
Do you have a significant web
presence? Are there 100's of your articles online “right now”
embedded with 1,000's of YOUR back-links ALL leading back to
your Dispensaries website???
Do you believe if you gave your
dispensary a STRONG web presence it would in turn vastly
increase your Dispensary's customer-base???
Do you believe your Dispensary can in
fact obtain a strong web-presence in
less than a year???
For an absolutely great up close look at a Dispensary Blog's up-close and inner workings then...
The Green Example is a 1st hand look at a blog every Dispensary should have.
Go take a look at The Green Example just CLICK HERE! and remember to put your own Dispensaries name everywhere you see "green example" and envision your own LOGO alongside the ads and calls for action give your Dispensary the web-presence it needs. Back to the Article!!!
For an absolutely great up close look at a Dispensary Blog's up-close and inner workings then...
The Green Example is a 1st hand look at a blog every Dispensary should have.
Go take a look at The Green Example just CLICK HERE! and remember to put your own Dispensaries name everywhere you see "green example" and envision your own LOGO alongside the ads and calls for action give your Dispensary the web-presence it needs. Back to the Article!!!
It seems the whole issue of Medical
Marijuana has taken more of a state to state approach. More local as
dispensaries seem to act as pseudo-middle man between our not
involved cities and states and the patients they collect taxes from
on such goods!
I'm sure you realize were in the middle
of the “Green Rush” meaning everyone affiliated is literally
scrambling for a foot-hold. as laws change daily on Medical
Marijuana. Which means every one involved in this newly forming
industry is currently like an other newly emerging industry is
fighting for position.
The Digital Age – Believe it or not
the one other thing millions of patients may need besides Medical
Cannabis is “information”! I took the last few years to
exclusively research Medical Marijuana from almost every aspect
imaginable. I was surprised to find out how difficult it was to
obtain information on almost anything having to do with the subject
of Medical Marijuana.
Patients – With Thousands of “newly”
minted patients of Medical Marijuana coming on board each day
information is becoming more and more important as these “new”
patients have no idea where to obtain much needed info things such as
Strains, prices, supplies, certifications, and of course laws and
regulations. Using current trend data research showed the 5 biggest
concerns patients have when it comes to Medical Marijuana:
How to get a Certification for Medical
Conditions treatable with Medical
Major Medical conditions and the most
successful “Strains” that treat them.
Cost and procedures associated with
obtaining Medical Marijuana
Laws what regulations apply and on
which level local, state, Federal
My Story - What do I know about it?
Not much! As a Social Media Specialist I perform a lot of research.
Most of my conclusions come directly from research, which in this
case clearly showed me there was no one catering to this market at
the moment. Unfortunately my own research led me to discover that
there simply was no “GO TO” site for patients to simply go and
get information about Medical Marijuana! Non-biased information they
could trust and depend on. So I filled the void and created a site to
address the issue. Based on such overwhelming evidence I created my
own Blog-post titled; Marijuana
To Heal A great site that answers patients questions and
concerns from almost every aspect on the subject of Medical
Marijuana. The site in only a few months garnered so much attention
in the form of views, comments, questions and request. I quickly
followed up with a closely related e Book titled - Cannabis:
15 Major medical conditions treatable with Medical Marijuana.
Currently available on Amazon more of a “Guidebook” really the
book does a great job of helping new patients (or anyone) get
acclimated to the world of Medical Marijuana.
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The subject of Medical Marijuana is
very popular right now! And your designated role as a
Dispensary is go-between.
The bottom line is patients need to
know about you, your services and products as well as. They also need
the important information that affects both them and possibly their
health condition as well. Research also pointed out that most cases,
common issues we all take for granted each and everyday may in fact
present a real challenge to in itself to many Disabled patients of
Medical Marijuana.
A Web Presence – So bring the
information to them instead! How? With high-quality articles and
newsletters, articles filled with fact-based, well-researched highly
sought-after information on the subject of Medical Marijuana.
Information patients desperately need to help them make important
informed decisions in regards to using Medical Marijuana.
Medical Cannabis - A Field that seems
to be defining itself nicely, neatly even as it grows, evolves and
changes each day. As one of many dispensaries you may wondering how
you can obtain a strong web presence or even more important, a
permanent one? The answer to that is simple (and can be done in no
time at all) with...100's of your articles spread all over the World
Wide Web, articles filled with 1000's of “Backlinks” that all
lead back to YOUR Dispensaries website!
A little Math – The “Secret Weapon”
Article Marketing...500-1,000-word Keyword-rich hyperlinked articles
that answer the most important questions patients have about Medical
Marijuana. The objective, to slowly give both (with each new articles
published) you and your dispensary more and more of an overall
web-presence, permanently.
>>>An example – Currently I
am the webmaster of Blog-site. Currently there are 177 post on the
HOME page each with an average of about 10-12 hyper-links per
article. What it means? This equates to a considerable web-presence
as there are over 2,000 hyper-links across the Internet that ALL lead
back to my site ! Links that are available 24 hours a day 7 days a
week on the World Wide Web. With me adding more each day.
So get in on the effective use of
“Article Marketing” and help your own dispensary develop a strong
web-presence benefiting from the current “GREEN RUSH” coming
from the legalization of Cannabis.
$50 July Special – $50 Articles...For
the month of July . I'm offering highly researched 500-1,000 word
articles that addresses some of the most important issue's regarding
Medical Marijuana being asked today! Articles written on the most
popular concerns associated with Medical Marijuana. Articles that
both answer and explain in great detail most patients major concerns
on he subject. Articles that contain your Dispensaries LOGO, Slogan
or catchphrase and of course several “back links” links embedded
within the articles that once clicked leads readers over to your
dispensaries web-site.
For More Info: email healthyarizonan@gmail.com
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