Strain Special #16 – Strawberry Cough

Strain Special #16 – Strawberry Cough

Composition – 85% Sativa 15% Indica
Parents: Mother = Haze Father = Unknown

Voted 10 Best Medical Strains Of 2016!
Strawberry Cough – The Bastard Strain

The birth – What exactly brought this strain into existence?
      Said to have been a special gift to the world famous co-founder of Kushman Veganics and 5 time coveted Cannabis Cup winner Kyle Kushman by some unknown professional grower from Vermont. This Strain alone has won Kushman several Cannabis Cup Awards in just its few years in existence. Believe it or not! The father strain, an unknown Indica type is said to have gotten its true Strawberry flavor from being grown in such close proximity to field of Strawberries. Believe it or not! 
The Name – Finally a properly named Strain! 
The Sativa dominant Strain is one of few out there accurately named. Said to have been named as such by its creator, in two words in order to keep the 1 2 punch, as opposed to being hyphenated. The 1st part of the name Strawberry being due to the extreme Strawberry fragrance that exudes from it along with the dark red Strawberry colored hairs deeply embedded in each bud made it obvious Strawberry, the 2nd being that “barking dog” like cough smokers get from the smooth Strawberry flavored smoke going down exploding in the lungs, hence the cough.

The Effect – Exactly what does the "Strawberry Cough" Strain do? 
The Strawberry Cough is a very unique Strain in a lot of ways. It seems to have the perfect balance between relaxation and motivation. Where most Strains as potent as this one usually lead straight to the dreaded “couch lock” . This Strain on the other hand actually stimulates the a creative based mind set. A true daytime bud its one of the few you can smoke in the morning and still maintain a normal fully productive day in everyway. Without any of the normal aches, pains, or anxieties! The Strain is also well known for bringing about a nice amount of creativity in several ways. Said to be one of the absolute best when it comes to dealing with depression. Well known for providing an exceptionally nice smooth Sativa-based high the Strain is also good at easing anxieties while allowing full functionality. A highly recommended medical Strain.

Medicinal Uses – Can Strawberry Cough Really Heal?

A highly recommended medical Strain of due to how effectively it deals with such major conditions as depression and anxiety. While researching the Strain a pattern quickly emerged. Patient after patient was glad to comment on just how how effective the Strain had been dealing with their depression. Patients were also quick to point out how it immediately placed them in a state of euphoria once smoked. Aside from its success in treating depression and Anxiety the Strain also seems to help a lot with pain and is known to control nausea completely while creating a strong appetite in the process.
Well there you have it the Strawberry Cough, the bastard Strain and everything you need to know about it. So stop by your local Dispensary and pick up a few grams to sample for yourself.

Strain Specials – Learn Medical Marijuana Strain By Strain


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 In an age full of information and technology (seemingly too info much at times) readers are finding it more and more difficult to find clear simple, basic information on a clear simple basic Subject? Instead many readers are coming to find the computer, their computer as a bit overwhelming to say the least. TMI – TOO MUCH INFORMATION is what seems to come up in the thousands of results returned from a simple search or inquiry. Articles, besides from fast-gaining a strong (and necessary) presence online they also act as the perfect BUFFER between the company and he customer.
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A Perfect Example...
               On my primary website on the right side of he home page are my own “most-popular” articles at the top is the article entitled; 100% All Natural Ultimate Energy Diet...Lose Weight Gain Energy its at the top because each month it continues to get the same amount (if not in some months even more!) as my newest articles written and posted each month! What amazes me about the article is that it was written a few years ago! Yet it still continues to gain thousands of readers interest each month, which leads readers right into one of my revenue streams in the form of eBooks, Amazon Store, Ad Revenue and such. A well written article could do the same for you! A great example as a Dispensaries would of course be a great article on a particular strain of Medical Marijuana, such as Purple Kush for instance. An article which clearly defines the strain clearly to any and all its readers and patients. An article with several opportunities embedded to purchase Purple Kush or just Learn More. Articles that get readers over to your website, curious readers, ready to buy!

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Need Articles!

As a brand new fast-growing undefined industry of its own, Medical Cannabis is new and needs solid, informative web pages filled with articles that answer the most basic questions and concerns of both current and potential clients, patients. Cannabis Dispensaries need articles! Dispensaries not only need articles, hey need hyper-active articles! Articles alive with pictures, videos, hyper-links and more! Articles readers can interact with, articles readers can click into. A click that could lead straight back to your dispensaries website! So stock your website with articles which place readers in the perfect position to utilize your dispensaries products and services, by teaching them how.

Where Can I Get High...

Where Are Quality Articles For Medical Dispensaries?

                     As a brand new industry Medical Cannabis will like most others define itself. And in his day and age of modern technology the webpage is what clearly defines a company in this day and age. This theory is especially true it seems when it comes to Dispensaries. A website is the only way Dispensaries can in fact fully express the nature of their business, the only place Dispensaries can continually educate their readers as well as inform them of any and all updates and changes. Answer readers questions through FAQ styled articles that also increase curiosity, hopefully generating an inquisitive click over to your products and services! Articles which further readers interest, such as;
  • Which Strain Is Best For Seizures?
  • Which 3 Strains Contain The Most THC?
  • Sativa VS Endica What Is The Difference?
  • Is Home Delivery Of Medical Marijuana Available?
  • Where Can I Learn More About Strains Of Medical Cannabis?
Or even better use the email address below to send your own possible article titles that would fit your Dispensaries image!
>>>For a great 1st Hand look at over 25 Medical Marijuana-related Articles live in action just click
So for more info on exactly where to get great articles at great prices for your dispensary email to: for availability.

Medical Marijuana Patient #9 Jim McMahon - Former NFL Chicago Bears Quarterback Trades in Pain Pills


 Arizona Medical Marijuana Patient #9 Jim McMahon

    We all believed #9 would be a Quarterback, a Chicago Bear Quarterback forever both literally and figuratively. Known both on and off the field as the ultra-tuff former Chicago Bears Quarterback. As a player in his heyday he was well known as being one of the roughest toughest QB's in the league. Playing the game with such reckless abandon which so many times led to him miraculously making something from nothing on the Football field as a result. McMahon it seemed while playing in the NFL had no idea he was a Quarterback often taking on Massive Linebackers head-on trying to reach the end-zone. 

Unfortunately the hits did add up and Jim was diagnosed with Arthritis as a result. Read more...

Former Chicago Bears quarterback, Jim McMahon, has kicked pain pills out of his life. The combination of medical marijuana and chiropractic treatment to relieve pressure in his neck have improved his quality of life.
McMahon used to take up to 100 pain pills per month. Now, he uses medical marijuana three times a day to treat his arthritic pain from injuries sustained during his NFL career, reports the Chicago Tribune.

           McMahon is a patient in Arizona’s medical marijuana program. When asked about treating his pain with pain pills, he said, “They were doing more harm than good. This medical marijuana has been a godsend. It relieves me of the pain — or thinking about it, anyway.”

            One of the main reasons that the former NFL player is going public about his medical marijuana use status is because of his struggles with Illinois’s medical marijuana program, which does not currently have chronic pain as a qualifying condition. Illinois lawmakers believe chronic pain to be too broad of a category that could lead to abuse.

          Maybe the most telling aspect is that McMahon’s advocacy for medical marijuana is purely from his own personal experience. The relief he’s found for his arthritis from marijuana he has said on many occasions that the Medical Marijuana does a much better job than the hundreds of Percocet painkillers he was taking previously. Without any of the side-effects that come with medication, all medication.

Patient No# 9
Fortunately since kicking the pain killers out in exchange for Medical Marijuana the former Quarterback readily admits that his quality of life has greatly improved in many ways. Jim McMahon one of the most well-known Quarterbacks ever to play in the NFL is a great advocate for the Pro-Medical Marijuana initiatives here in Arizona. Hopefully as acceptance grows with education more and more patients will be allowed to openly attest to just how successful Medical Marijuana really is as a natural medicine...Thanks Jim!

Arthritis - Ease The Pain With Jack The Ripper

A form of  joint disorder  that involves  inflammation  of one or more joints

With over 100 different forms of arthritis its a condition that's hard to put a finger on exactly. Being defined as a  joint-disorder it can potentially take hold throughout the body, anywhere. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis a very uncomfortable degenerative joint disease with no real basis the condition can be brought several ways including
* As a result of joint trauma
* Infection of the joint
*Age .

Other common forms of arthritis include;
*Rheumatoid arthritis
*Psoriasis arthritis (and related autoimmune diseases).
* Septic arthritis ( caused by joint  infection).

The major complaint by far from individuals with arthritis is joint pain. The pain is severe and  often constant unbearable in many cases in many cases the pain may be localized to the joint affected. The pain from arthritis is due to  inflammation  that occurs around the joint, damage to the joint from disease, daily wear and tear of joint, muscle  strains  caused by forceful movements against stiff painful joints and  fatigue. It is as painful as it sounds.

The Benefits 

Cannabis Oil

Again here Medical Marijuana seems to be nice fit for such a condition and its symptoms. What I mean is that Medical Marijuana is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. A major issue in its own right when it comes Arthritis.There are two cannabinoids found in marijuana that have especially profound efficacy for those with arthritis: CBD and THC. CBD, or cannabidiol, is responsible for immune system modulation, meaning it is helpful for an autoimmune condition like rheumatoid arthritis. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol and byproducts of its metabolism has been found to be anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain killing).

All pain from arthritis can be relieved with Medical Marijuana. In the true science of the "Domino effect" Medical Marijuana reduces inflammation thus reducing pain finally allowing the patient to return to a normal pattern of sleep, which are two highly productive traits for someone suffering from arthritis. Less pain more sleep! As almost a bonus the THC is well known to reduce the anxiety and depression that commonly accompany severe diseases as Arthritis were one's mobility is effected. 

Most Recommended Strain - Jack The Ripper

Jack The Ripper

A resin heavy hybrid offspring of Jack's Cleaner and Space Queen, a Sativa-dominant hybrid that is caked with tri-chromes, zest and best of all highly potent, and I love the Lemon! Hence Jack The Ripper. Judged already by many as the most famous Medical Cannabis strain of all time! To be such a pure Sativa based strain it kicks off a nice light creative mind/body high you can actually enjoy. After all it is Jack The Ripper. Well known as a creeper as the effects do just  that, they creep up on you really. One minute your thinking the next your imagining, this is the Ripper and its very effective when dealing with Arthritis.

The smell is one of a kind a nice mix of a odorous skunk sprinkled with light,wrapped neatly around pine, citrus and musk. A seemingly more mature strain of Medical Marijuana one that can truly return the true experience all together.  A pure pleasure just to smell this hard-hitting Sativa-dominant strain is a “hands-down” favorite of Arthritis patients Worldwide.

An excellent source of info on Medical Cannabis and how to use it!

A Great Book!
For really good info on exactly which medical strains treat which health conditions take look at this excellent book over on Amazon that breaks down the 15 Major Health Conditions Blow By Blow and gives a great explanation of each. Next it goes in to great detail on just how Medical Marijuana effectively helps each condition and its accompanying symptoms. Then pairs each condition with the best medical strains available to guarantee great treatment herbally, naturally organically! So check it out it could change your life!

To get over to Amazon and take quick look inside the eBook:

Medical Cannabis Strain AK-47 Assault The Pain

Strannabis By David Allen Greene

The ongoing education of Medical Cannabis strains
Featured Strain: AK- 47

3rd Place 1995 Netherlands Cannabis Cup

Hybrid= 60% Sativa / 40% Indica
Origins: Colombian, Mexican, Thai & Afghani
Flowering: 56-63 days
Harvest: mid October

The best weapon against pain...AK-47

Born back in 1992 the strain AK-47, is well-known world-wide for its deep dark, resinous, busy buds sprinkled heavily with red hairs and glistening trichomes which all culminated to create a medical miracle in the form of Cannabis.

As one of the best known Medical strains (or outright strains for that matter) it continues at over 20 years old to be majestically manipulated and touched into a better hybrid each time, is one that truly lived up to its name. As a dominant Sativa it will deliver an excellent body high nice and uplifting that also brings about a true creative effect also. One of few buds that actually increases energy it brings up a nice strong urge to “make something happen” but in a nice creative way. Colors, words, music all seem to be a lo more fluffier once up under the gun of this AK-47, so be careful. And whatever you do make sure you get in the big 3, see, smell and taste, especially this strain. Take a few minutes and look at it...the AK-47 strain is uniquely beautiful in it own right, smell it and of course by all means taste it. A truly unique bud as the smell and taste are slightly different almost unheard of in medical marijuana strains.

I especially like how as a Sativa-dominate strain it still does a great job effectively handling most Indica-related medical effects as well. A true medically bred strain AK-47 is heavily sought as a medical marijuana strain due to its effectiveness on so many major health conditions. Strain most chemo patients would swear by as it completely handles the Nausea a major side effect of the treatment. Well let's see the strain called AK-47 what exactly does it do?

Significantly reduces the degree pain most sufferers endure daily by a large percent if not entirely.

An excellent mood regulator powerful inductive effects forcing relaxation in turn adequately dealing with issues such as Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and Bipolar disorder in the process.

Strongly induces relaxation within in the hour to significantly handle insomnia in most cases, completely.

Almost immediately brings on an appetite in full force after only 3-4 puffs extremely effective for issues related.

Famous as a strain for just how effectively it handle Nausea a major issue with most current major health conditions.

The “One Hit Wonder” at 20% please understand the buds display a spice intertwined with some noticeable skunk twinges. And if you really are focus somewhere relaxed you may even notice a touch of that hard to catch citrus tones that runs in and out each puff. In other words it smokes like it looks like a mini-tree to a tee! I could see it slamming into my psyche as a one-hit wonder and keeping me motivated for the next 2-3 hours possibly. And true to its form it lets you down as easy as it took you up! Nice slow and understandable the AK-47 has that nice come down transition right into “the munchies” where if you can get of the couch you lightly flow into the kitchen.

2016 HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup - LA & San Bernardino

2016 HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup for LA & San Bernardino 


Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 12:00 PM - Sunday, February 7, 2016 at 10:30 PM (PST)

For All The Info...CLICK HERE!


Yes its going down in Cali at the end of the month so grab your MM card and get your ass out to Cali for such an event. Personally having attended a Cannabis Cup event I can tell its going down all the way from Endica to Sativa the spectrum is covered each year and we all get to see and smell some of the nicest buds on the planet.
Don't forget about the Hybrids...Yes! Cannabis Cup is the world's leading platform for man's newest latest greatest hybrid strain!! So remember the fundamentals so you will in fact enjoy yourself. Such things as Comfortable kicks since you spend 90% percent of your time walking around, and for some reason everyone forgets that smoking does and will give your the MUNCHIES!!!  SO BRING SOMETHING TO EAT!
See how the picture of the food is making you hungry  now? Well imagine being out on an island with the same munchies and way to feed them! So bring something you can eat on and possibly drink unless you okay with those $6 bottles of water. 

Otherwise come out to one of the best known events in California history and learn all you can about the powers or Medical Marijuana.
 Learn how Medical Marijuana can and already has effectively treated such major health conditions as:


And so many more! For other great tips on attending the 2016 Cannabis Cup check out this great article by Johnny Green...

Tips for attending a high times Cannabis Cup event. 
To see article CLICK HERE!

It pretty much covers everything you need to know about the event and how to have a great time while there! So click on the link below and swing over and check out maybe even print the article it is nice to have!!! In light of the circumstances (smoking bud all day) I would print out a copy of the rules just in case.

Otherwise the Cali weather is going to be great like always and there will be nothing bit booths and booths of Medical Cannabis available...for medical purposes!!! So go get healed stop suffering and meet some cool friends in the meantime.

 A psychological Disclaimer:

You will be at the Cannabis Cup event so if you do happen to see Ronald and the Colonel going at it (pictured) then congratulations your in the right place at the right time smoking on the right strain!

So let Ronald and the Colonel do their thing and you get back to the booth were you got that strain from!!!!

Jack Herer - A Special Strain Of Medical Marijuana

Jack Herer 
What's best for you ! 

Jack Herer is a sativa-dominant sativa/indica hybrid of Cannabis known for both its cerebral high and its strong body high. The strain is a cross between Skunk #1, Haze, and Northern Lights #5.  Jack Herer is the parent to many subset strains.

The cream of the crop, the cream of all crops and perhaps the most exquisite ganja you will ever encounter; this strain ranks as the most awarded variety in the history of harvest festivals. Nine awards and counting would be the pinnacle of recognition for any strain, yet Jack Herer manages to go a step further and bears the distinction of being distributed under prescription by Dutch pharmacies as a recognised variety of medicinal-grade cannabis.

Sensi’s champagne of strains is named in honour of Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Through tireless activism and his landmark book, Jack Herer can take most of the credit for reminding the world that cannabis in all its forms has always been one of humankind’s most valuable resources, and that we can literally save the planet with hemp!

The sublime blend of tropical Sativa high and monstrous Indica resin production captured in Jack Herer must be seen and sampled to be believed. At their peak, buds are so thickly smothered with clear trichomes that they appear sugar-frosted or sparkling with dew-drops. This crystal-coating extends to spear-leaves, fan leaves and even to Jack’s stems and stalks. 


Plants from seed show favourable variation, due to Jack Herer’s complex background and delicate balance right at the cusp of Sativa and Indica. Enhanced features from both sides of the family are strongly evident and are expressed in different combinations, allowing growers to select mother plants tailored to their circumstances and tastes.

Three of Jack’s four main phenotypes are heavily Sativa-influenced while the fourth has a growth pattern leaning towards Indica - fast-flowering and relatively compact with a dense, expansive, rounded bud structure that’s suited to cash-cropping. Jack’s Sativa phenotypes can also produce a good per-metre or per-plant yield when cultivated skilfully, though it is rare for these crops to be sold commercially. Most growers who have watched their succulent, super-sized calyxes swell and mature will be hesitant to sell such buds, and the best Jack Herer is often passed around a select circle of friends - an example of one of those things that money just can’t buy.

The trait common to all Jack Herer phenotypes is a dazzling double-edged potency - a stratospheric cerebral high underpinned by a breathtaking body-buzz with seismic power. Smokers should be prepared to feel the earth shake beneath their feet - which can be a very pleasant feeling when your head is firmly in the clouds. 

Who Is Jack Herer? 
(from Wikipedia) 
An awesome American cannabis activist and the author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, a book which has been used in efforts to decriminalize and legalize cannabis and to expand the use of hemp for industrial use. Herer also founded and served as the director of the organization Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP).

The Scientist Medical Marijuana Documentary New 2015 HD

Below is a great science-based documentary about Medical Marijuana. A great perspective from one of the world's leading scientist on the subject. Also note above the "types" of Cannabis, the info is little known yet extremely vital when identifying symptoms, conditions and more important cures. 

So if you like it share it! Let's make sure everyone gets the real facts when it comes Medical Marijuana. 

YouTube Video

The Scientist Medical Marijuana Documentary
New For 2016 

                  Maybe the most important aspect of Medical Marijuana is the simple chart as shown above. from a Medical perspective the effect is something that is very important when choosing Medical strains for a certain condition or symptom. As it really does matter what you choose and how you choose your medicine. So take a minute and get familiar with the chart (print it out) believe me once you hit the dispensary or the hundreds of strains on the market you'll thank me!
Not only will it give you a better understanding of the strains and their medical effectiveness

Purple Kush  

  A strong Grape smell and unmistakably flowery taste with a very high THC level. The high usually lasts about an hour or two depending on the drying and curing process. There are many types of Kush. Purple Kush is one of the most potent strains of Medical Cannabis on the market to date. A very nice select strain of Indica (try buying some) it comes highly recommended for a number of conditions as well as their symptoms that usually accompany most. It does kick off a nice body-high so evening use is somewhat recommended as it will 'nail you to the wall" literally speaking. S be aware about all that stuff you had planned "before" you hit this Kush is all I'll say But the benefits kick in swiftly, the bud is effective hands down. 

An excellent source of info on Medical Cannabis and how to use it!

For really good info on exactly which medical strains treat which health conditions take look at this excellent book over on Amazon that breaks down the 15 Major Health Conditions Blow By Blow and gives a great explanation of each. Next it goes in to great detail on just how Medical Marijuana effectively helps each condition and its accompanying symptoms. Then pairs each condition with the best medical strains available to guarantee great treatment herbally, naturally organically! So check it out it could change your life!

So go over to Amazon and take a look inside: