Articles Never Die!

The Perfect Buffer

 In an age full of information and technology (seemingly too info much at times) readers are finding it more and more difficult to find clear simple, basic information on a clear simple basic Subject? Instead many readers are coming to find the computer, their computer as a bit overwhelming to say the least. TMI – TOO MUCH INFORMATION is what seems to come up in the thousands of results returned from a simple search or inquiry. Articles, besides from fast-gaining a strong (and necessary) presence online they also act as the perfect BUFFER between the company and he customer.
Readers need information the kind of information articles do a great job of providing. Articles that use a mere 1,000 words, pictures, videos hyperlinks that not only do so much to help “create pre-customers” but also drive them straight to your website! While on the flip a great informative well-written well-understood article can save your site thousands of useless clicks by readily providing readers with an informative FAQ article which answers most if not all preliminary questions and concerns. Fill your website with Buffers, articles that answer questions, explain situations easily and overall increase curiosity of the reader. Before they click over to your website!

Articles Never Die...

            A well-written keyword-rich solution-oriented article can continue to bring thousands of readers each month to your website, years after its initial publication date. Fact is a fact-based well researched well-written article can have a great run on a website for years! And yes they really do last forever! As long as your website (or any website) is up and running search engines such as google, yahoo, bing and more will continue to seek out your article on your website and bring it up in search engines!

A Perfect Example...
               On my primary website on the right side of he home page are my own “most-popular” articles at the top is the article entitled; 100% All Natural Ultimate Energy Diet...Lose Weight Gain Energy its at the top because each month it continues to get the same amount (if not in some months even more!) as my newest articles written and posted each month! What amazes me about the article is that it was written a few years ago! Yet it still continues to gain thousands of readers interest each month, which leads readers right into one of my revenue streams in the form of eBooks, Amazon Store, Ad Revenue and such. A well written article could do the same for you! A great example as a Dispensaries would of course be a great article on a particular strain of Medical Marijuana, such as Purple Kush for instance. An article which clearly defines the strain clearly to any and all its readers and patients. An article with several opportunities embedded to purchase Purple Kush or just Learn More. Articles that get readers over to your website, curious readers, ready to buy!

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Need Articles!

As a brand new fast-growing undefined industry of its own, Medical Cannabis is new and needs solid, informative web pages filled with articles that answer the most basic questions and concerns of both current and potential clients, patients. Cannabis Dispensaries need articles! Dispensaries not only need articles, hey need hyper-active articles! Articles alive with pictures, videos, hyper-links and more! Articles readers can interact with, articles readers can click into. A click that could lead straight back to your dispensaries website! So stock your website with articles which place readers in the perfect position to utilize your dispensaries products and services, by teaching them how.

Where Can I Get High...

Where Are Quality Articles For Medical Dispensaries?

                     As a brand new industry Medical Cannabis will like most others define itself. And in his day and age of modern technology the webpage is what clearly defines a company in this day and age. This theory is especially true it seems when it comes to Dispensaries. A website is the only way Dispensaries can in fact fully express the nature of their business, the only place Dispensaries can continually educate their readers as well as inform them of any and all updates and changes. Answer readers questions through FAQ styled articles that also increase curiosity, hopefully generating an inquisitive click over to your products and services! Articles which further readers interest, such as;
  • Which Strain Is Best For Seizures?
  • Which 3 Strains Contain The Most THC?
  • Sativa VS Endica What Is The Difference?
  • Is Home Delivery Of Medical Marijuana Available?
  • Where Can I Learn More About Strains Of Medical Cannabis?
Or even better use the email address below to send your own possible article titles that would fit your Dispensaries image!
>>>For a great 1st Hand look at over 25 Medical Marijuana-related Articles live in action just click
So for more info on exactly where to get great articles at great prices for your dispensary email to: for availability.