FINALLY! Doobster launches the APP that delivers...once and for all!!!

The APP that delivers


Legally Delivering Medication 

into  "LEGAL" markets 

all-across the United States

Thankfully the name alone didn't burn off a lot of time, thought or funding!

 Well why not? I mean we do have an APP for everything else, literally speaking. So why not Cannabis? I mean the ironically aspect is that for the most part, most if not ALL “patients”are in fact Disabled with limited mobility as a result. So why should they be able to pull out their Smart-phone and order? 
What sets this APP apart for the most part is its beautiful simplicity coupled with he overall completeness from payment to delivery. If you have any affiliation with the Medical Marijuana then you really should burn off 5 minutes and watch the video below that really does a thorough job of introducing APP from front to back. After watching it once (or twice) the choice should be lot easier for almost anyone! 

Doobster - The App That Delivers from Doobster on Vimeo.

The overall professionalism is great and make it really easy, especially after watching the video from your your own perspective. The APP also does a great job of side-stepping all the current legal issues affiliated with the entire Cannabis Indistry as a whole by staying focused on one single solitary service.
Amazingly the APP does a great of job of offering very well placed concessions on both sides of the coin. Making Doobster a much needed fit perse into a very comforable shoe. The Medical Cannabis (marijuana) right now seems to be just an industry in need of both.

learn how the Doobster APP works right from your Smart Phone 

Not only does it help out patients suffering from mobility issues its also a dispensary locator it allows for product ordering and pick-up as well as provide the most up to date current 420-affiliated nation-news daily. Much-needed means for patients to have access to their medication and the news affiliated with it as well. While on the other side of the coin it allows dispensary owners to operate from a much wider range of neighborhoods, communities, and shopping areas due to fact that they dont have to have “revenue generating” 15-Foot letters splashed out front “CANNABIS FOR SALE!!!” The Doobster APP manages to bring an almost entirely overlooked yet very needed element of the industry...discretion. 

Yet another very nice benefit is the fact that the DOOBSTER APP does in fact allow you to be much-more discreet in almost every way. As it literally now makes the once all-important “location”almost a non-factor. Instead all thats needed is a compatable Smart Phoneas a patient and/or a strong online website prescence as a Dispensary.

All with a simple online registration, at the Doobster's site access to the APP is instant, free and worth it! Each day it is starting to look more and more like one of those pioneer products that seem to come out right at the beginning of a new industry and and takes a firm hold somewhere within. to become a much-needed, much-known staple service or product well within a new industry, one especially like the "medical MArihuana industry." 

The Cannabis Industry...Legal Legimate Financial Management... What IsThe Future?

A call for info! Correspondence of sorts...

Recently I was assigned a great topic to write about.  One that many have no idea as to what is taking places behind the scenes in most halls of Congress Right now... The issue it seems is the actual paying for of medical Cannabis (and all its affiliations as well). The point of the issue is that no one really knows where exactly the feds stand when it comes to paying for Marijuana?

As you may already know as either a patient or customer that currently the Cannabis retail business is literally "cash and carry" meaning Dispensaries can only accept cash per every transaction. As Federal laws seems to mildly clash with state laws, no one it seems really knows what the future holds. What is scaring of major banks and most other financial institutions is the fact that the Feds, (namely the Department Of Treasury) still classifies Dispensary sales as funds derived from illegal activity or is an attempt to disguise funds derived from illegal activity, that in itself really outs a damper on things.

What has most confused on the feds stance is the seemingly several positions they seem to have taken here over the last few months, some even contradicting others surprisingly. Take for instance this celebrated memo being circulated around our local, federal and state governments. I'm speaking of the famous "Cole Memo" a memo published back in February of 2014. As the subject line reads it is meant to offer "guidance regarding Marijuana -related related financial crimes. And although the document is 4-pages long it doesn't really, or at least I didn't get it, properly classify Dispensaries clearly anywhere within? So take a look for yourself CLICK HERE! as the memo is free and openly accessible to anyone. See if you can make some sense out of it, I couldn't.

So then a little while after the Cole Memo was released The Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), published its own expectations regarding marijuana related businesses guidelines. Good luck finding them anywhere in online ( but if you can send me a copy too!) It has been said that the Guidelines do take a little more into consideration, a little more than other agencies are right now at least.

So in conclusion I would like to ask that anyone with any good info please share! As you also may realize the whole issue in itself is spread, thin and all over the place right now so any help would be greatly appreciated and returned in kind..




Attention Dispensary owners! Let me ask a couple quick questions...If I may?

In today's “Digital Marketplace” and with everything just a click away...with 1,000's of options, offers what separates your dispensary from the rest???

Do you have mid or long-term objectives to keep your dispensary out in front in today's ultra-competitive marketplace???

Did you know currently there are Tens of Thousands of “patients” out there right now on the “World Wide Web” looking for you, your products and services...your dispensary???

Do you have a significant web presence? Are there 100's of your articles online “right now” embedded with 1,000's of YOUR back-links ALL leading back to your Dispensaries website???

Do you believe if you gave your dispensary a STRONG web presence it would in turn vastly increase your Dispensary's customer-base???

Do you believe your Dispensary can in fact obtain a strong web-presence in less than a year???


For an absolutely great up close look at a Dispensary Blog's up-close and inner workings then...
The Green Example is a 1st hand look at a blog every Dispensary should have.
Go take a look at The Green Example  just CLICK HERE! and remember to put your own Dispensaries name everywhere you see "green example" and envision your own LOGO alongside the ads and calls for action give your Dispensary the web-presence it needs. Back to the Article!!!


It seems the whole issue of Medical Marijuana has taken more of a state to state approach. More local as dispensaries seem to act as pseudo-middle man between our not involved cities and states and the patients they collect taxes from on such goods!

I'm sure you realize were in the middle of the “Green Rush” meaning everyone affiliated is literally scrambling for a foot-hold. as laws change daily on Medical Marijuana. Which means every one involved in this newly forming industry is currently like an other newly emerging industry is fighting for position.

The Digital Age – Believe it or not the one other thing millions of patients may need besides Medical Cannabis is “information”! I took the last few years to exclusively research Medical Marijuana from almost every aspect imaginable. I was surprised to find out how difficult it was to obtain information on almost anything having to do with the subject of Medical Marijuana.

Patients – With Thousands of “newly” minted patients of Medical Marijuana coming on board each day information is becoming more and more important as these “new” patients have no idea where to obtain much needed info things such as Strains, prices, supplies, certifications, and of course laws and regulations. Using current trend data research showed the 5 biggest concerns patients have when it comes to Medical Marijuana:
How to get a Certification for Medical Marijuana
Conditions treatable with Medical Marijuana
Major Medical conditions and the most successful “Strains” that treat them.
Cost and procedures associated with obtaining Medical Marijuana
Laws what regulations apply and on which level local, state, Federal

My Story - What do I know about it? Not much! As a Social Media Specialist I perform a lot of research. Most of my conclusions come directly from research, which in this case clearly showed me there was no one catering to this market at the moment. Unfortunately my own research led me to discover that there simply was no “GO TO” site for patients to simply go and get information about Medical Marijuana! Non-biased information they could trust and depend on. So I filled the void and created a site to address the issue. Based on such overwhelming evidence I created my own Blog-post titled; Marijuana To Heal A great site that answers patients questions and concerns from almost every aspect on the subject of Medical Marijuana. The site in only a few months garnered so much attention in the form of views, comments, questions and request. I quickly followed up with a closely related e Book titled - Cannabis: 15 Major medical conditions treatable with Medical Marijuana. Currently available on Amazon more of a “Guidebook” really the book does a great job of helping new patients (or anyone) get acclimated to the world of Medical Marijuana.



The subject of Medical Marijuana is very popular right now! And your designated role as a Dispensary is go-between.

The bottom line is patients need to know about you, your services and products as well as. They also need the important information that affects both them and possibly their health condition as well. Research also pointed out that most cases, common issues we all take for granted each and everyday may in fact present a real challenge to in itself to many Disabled patients of Medical Marijuana.


A Web Presence – So bring the information to them instead! How? With high-quality articles and newsletters, articles filled with fact-based, well-researched highly sought-after information on the subject of Medical Marijuana. Information patients desperately need to help them make important informed decisions in regards to using Medical Marijuana.

Medical Cannabis - A Field that seems to be defining itself nicely, neatly even as it grows, evolves and changes each day. As one of many dispensaries you may wondering how you can obtain a strong web presence or even more important, a permanent one? The answer to that is simple (and can be done in no time at all) with...100's of your articles spread all over the World Wide Web, articles filled with 1000's of “Backlinks” that all lead back to YOUR Dispensaries website!


A little Math – The “Secret Weapon” Article Marketing...500-1,000-word Keyword-rich hyperlinked articles that answer the most important questions patients have about Medical Marijuana. The objective, to slowly give both (with each new articles published) you and your dispensary more and more of an overall web-presence, permanently.

>>>An example – Currently I am the webmaster of Blog-site. Currently there are 177 post on the HOME page each with an average of about 10-12 hyper-links per article. What it means? This equates to a considerable web-presence as there are over 2,000 hyper-links across the Internet that ALL lead back to my site ! Links that are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week on the World Wide Web. With me adding more each day.

So get in on the effective use of “Article Marketing” and help your own dispensary develop a strong web-presence benefiting from the current “GREEN RUSH” coming from the legalization of Cannabis.

$50 July Special – $50 Articles...For the month of July . I'm offering highly researched 500-1,000 word articles that addresses some of the most important issue's regarding Medical Marijuana being asked today! Articles written on the most popular concerns associated with Medical Marijuana. Articles that both answer and explain in great detail most patients major concerns on he subject. Articles that contain your Dispensaries LOGO, Slogan or catchphrase and of course several “back links” links embedded within the articles that once clicked leads readers over to your dispensaries web-site.

For More Info: email


Marijuana Laws State by State

Just like everything else in this great nation of ours the issue of "Medical Marijuana" has been broken down to a per-state basis. I know as if the Federal aspect wasn't complicated enough!

So make sure whatever you do if the issue of Medical Marijuana applies to you in any way, shape or form then make sure you get a copy of this outstanding directory "Marijuana Laws By State" that breaks the subject down on a much needed per-state basis, its all just a click away! 100% FREE! So pick up your copy today! CLICK HERE!

Cannabis - Another 7 States Set To Legalize Marijuana 100%

Another 7 States On The Verge Of Legalization!

Arizona, California, Nevada, Maine, Missouri, Hawaii, Massachusetts

Get your supplies together...we'll all be growing at home in no time! Time to look at Solar Energy in a new light altogether! Its coming about slowly but surely...the full legalization of Weed in every way! Latest new reports show another 7 states Arizona, California, Nevada, Maine, Missouri, Hawaii, Massachusetts in no particular order, have decided to go legal and look at the "Weed" as a plant instead of a " Schedule One Narcotic" like the Feds did! And still do!
The interesting of all the states is Arizona, being right here on the border everyone watches us closely for every reason! So this is nothing new. Although everyone here in Arizona would love to know just how the Feds are going to with the situation by next Summer as each state continues to fall like Dominoes on the issue. I mean you have to admit even the overall tone on the issue has lightened up significantly since, say last Summer around this time.
So in all fairness, I must say that just as unique as the plant itself to is the issue around making it legal? Currently I'm researching to see if this is the 1st time in history, American history where the states (individually) have went against the Federal Government...on any level!So the outcome should be interesting to say on any level.
Nevada has plans to work in a nice 15% Wholesale Tax allowing an Ounce per person as a general rule of thumb. Overall it should be interesting to see how the situation turns out here in a few weeks as the situation progresses. So be sure and check with your own state to see just how the new tax laws will effect you personally. I mean although the Federal Government views it as illegal, will they still impose a Tax on it? Only time will tell as things move along slowly.
Many like how the state of Maine has started making efforts for the most part to also Decriminalize the plant once and for all! Stating as many believe they have "bigger" fish to fry! From a criminal perspective.

Hawaii? Many thought it was already legal there! Well the trip to Hawaii will never be the same once they legalize Cannabis there shortly.Especially once they add growing to the list of things patients can do with Medical Marijuana/Cannabis in Hawaii.
Overall it seems each state is accepting the plant on its own terms. I just really hope they all do so in time for some of the Tens of Thousands needy patients to benefit... 
Just think of a Cancer or HIV patient that owns a home! The benefits are almost endless as you can now grow your own medicine! Also eliminating the need for costly and often overlooked transportation to and from various appointments associated with the conditions along with if course...COST!
So hurry and grow your medicine like man was supposed to from the beginning! Grow it! Know it! Understand we are a part of nature along with everything else! We are a part of the environment and therefore must also adhere! Naturally, Organically, totally as people, as beings right here on the planet we were born on...

For an absolutely great book on Medical Marijuana CLICK HERE!

Marinol Capsules vs Medical Cannabis - A Great Look At The Two



I had set out to write an article comparing Marinol to Cannabis then I found this Video. Everything I was going to write about he covered perfectly so I just brought you the video instead.

Although we don't understand why the natural plant is a Schedule 1 we do! The answer although maybe not one want to hear is simple. There is no co-pay on natural Cannabis! Okay! There is no way to control a plant we can grow in the one place we need to at home!

An interesting point was made in that the DEA would for the most part be out of a job if it ever was outright legalized. Since over 70% of all of their dealings are with Marijuana in some form due to the fact that it is illegal.

So take a moment and look this YouTube video as the guy covers and compares the 2 perfectly in every way. there is much to learn by watching and more to benefit from it. Enjoy!

Epilepsy Master Kush, OG Kush, Pure Power Plant (PPP), Blue Dragon, Shaman, Eldorado, - See more at:
ADD / ADHD Blue Dragon (Sour Diesel x Blueberry), Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Shiva X, Double Dutch, G13, Purple Haze, NYC Diesel, White Rhino, Trainwreck, OG Kush, Orange Bud, Northern Lights x Big Bud, Northern Lights x Haze, Gorilla Grape, Raspberry Kush, AIDS / HIV Blueberry, OG Kush, Casey Jones, Purple Haze, Maui, Triple Diesel, Snoop's Church, Blue Dragon, Blue Haze, Alzheimer's 4-Way (aka four way), 303, Acapulco Gold, Optimus Prime, Northern Lights x Haze, Y2K, Willie Nelson, Pure Power Plant (PPP), Panama Red, Gorilla Grape, Eldorado, Anorexia Orange Crush, Orange Kush, OG 18, Oasis, Northern Lights, Papaya (aka Mango), XXXtra Skunk, Ozzy, Raspberry Kush, Anxiety Northern Lights, Purple Kush, Cherry Kola, Orange Kush, C2, Big Cheese, Master Kush, Kashmir, Blue Dream, Maui Waui, Arthritis OG Kush, Blue Dragon, Jack the Ripper, White Diesel, Lemon Skunk, The Black, Afghan, Asthma 15% THC or better recommended. Orange Crush, Cali Gold, Belladonna, Master Kush, Sour Diesel, Big Cheese, Casey Jones, Jacks Cleaner, Kush, Blue Dragon, Big Cheese, Master Kush, Vortex, Gorilla Grape, ASD /
Asperger's Syndrome
See Autism below. Autism High sativa content strains are recommended; LA Confidential is one to try. Blue Haze, Bipolar Disorder 20% Sativa - 80% Indica hybrids. 4-Way, Blackberry Kush, Dutch Treat, Skunk #1, Lemon Skunk, Pakalolo, Eldorado, Raspberry Kush, Brain Damage Banana OG, Cannatonic, Panama Red, Kali Mist, Aurora Indica, Cancers Please see here. Phoenix Tears (oil), Also investigate Joshua Stanley and the Stanley brothers. Blue Dragon, Cerebral Palsy Tessa, Death Star, Blackberry Kush, Cali Gold, Purple Urkle, Chronic Pain Indica hybrids (Indica x Sativa) for pain symptoms. Grand Daddy Purple, God's Gift, Cali Hash Plant, C2, OG Kush, Master Kush, Vortex, Pineapple Express, Kashmir, Maui Waui, Sour Diesel, Blue Cheese, Northern Lights/Haze, Afghan, Shiva, COPD Indica dominant hybrids. Crohns Disease OG Kush, Blue Dragon, Purple Pheno, Ultimate Trainwreck, Diabetes Jack Herer, Sour Diesel, Hemp Oil, Gorilla Grape, Five-O, - See more at:
ADD / ADHD Blue Dragon (Sour Diesel x Blueberry), Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Shiva X, Double Dutch, G13, Purple Haze, NYC Diesel, White Rhino, Trainwreck, OG Kush, Orange Bud, Northern Lights x Big Bud, Northern Lights x Haze, Gorilla Grape, Raspberry Kush, AIDS / HIV Blueberry, OG Kush, Casey Jones, Purple Haze, Maui, Triple Diesel, Snoop's Church, Blue Dragon, Blue Haze, Alzheimer's 4-Way (aka four way), 303, Acapulco Gold, Optimus Prime, Northern Lights x Haze, Y2K, Willie Nelson, Pure Power Plant (PPP), Panama Red, Gorilla Grape, Eldorado, Anorexia Orange Crush, Orange Kush, OG 18, Oasis, Northern Lights, Papaya (aka Mango), XXXtra Skunk, Ozzy, Raspberry Kush, Anxiety Northern Lights, Purple Kush, Cherry Kola, Orange Kush, C2, Big Cheese, Master Kush, Kashmir, Blue Dream, Maui Waui, Arthritis OG Kush, Blue Dragon, Jack the Ripper, White Diesel, Lemon Skunk, The Black, Afghan, Asthma 15% THC or better recommended. Orange Crush, Cali Gold, Belladonna, Master Kush, Sour Diesel, Big Cheese, Casey Jones, Jacks Cleaner, Kush, Blue Dragon, Big Cheese, Master Kush, Vortex, Gorilla Grape, ASD /
Asperger's Syndrome
See Autism below. Autism High sativa content strains are recommended; LA Confidential is one to try. Blue Haze, Bipolar Disorder 20% Sativa - 80% Indica hybrids. 4-Way, Blackberry Kush, Dutch Treat, Skunk #1, Lemon Skunk, Pakalolo, Eldorado, Raspberry Kush, Brain Damage Banana OG, Cannatonic, Panama Red, Kali Mist, Aurora Indica, Cancers Please see here. Phoenix Tears (oil), Also investigate Joshua Stanley and the Stanley brothers. Blue Dragon, Cerebral Palsy Tessa, Death Star, Blackberry Kush, Cali Gold, Purple Urkle, Chronic Pain Indica hybrids (Indica x Sativa) for pain symptoms. Grand Daddy Purple, God's Gift, Cali Hash Plant, C2, OG Kush, Master Kush, Vortex, Pineapple Express, Kashmir, Maui Waui, Sour Diesel, Blue Cheese, Northern Lights/Haze, Afghan, Shiva, COPD Indica dominant hybrids. Crohns Disease OG Kush, Blue Dragon, Purple Pheno, Ultimate Trainwreck, Diabetes Jack Herer, Sour Diesel, Hemp Oil, Gorilla Grape, Five-O, - See more at:
ADD / ADHD Blue Dragon (Sour Diesel x Blueberry), Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, Shiva X, Double Dutch, G13, Purple Haze, NYC Diesel, White Rhino, Trainwreck, OG Kush, Orange Bud, Northern Lights x Big Bud, Northern Lights x Haze, Gorilla Grape, Raspberry Kush, AIDS / HIV Blueberry, OG Kush, Casey Jones, Purple Haze, Maui, Triple Diesel, Snoop's Church, Blue Dragon, Blue Haze, Alzheimer's 4-Way (aka four way), 303, Acapulco Gold, Optimus Prime, Northern Lights x Haze, Y2K, Willie Nelson, Pure Power Plant (PPP), Panama Red, Gorilla Grape, Eldorado, Anorexia Orange Crush, Orange Kush, OG 18, Oasis, Northern Lights, Papaya (aka Mango), XXXtra Skunk, Ozzy, Raspberry Kush, Anxiety Northern Lights, Purple Kush, Cherry Kola, Orange Kush, C2, Big Cheese, Master Kush, Kashmir, Blue Dream, Maui Waui, Arthritis OG Kush, Blue Dragon, Jack the Ripper, White Diesel, Lemon Skunk, The Black, Afghan, Asthma 15% THC or better recommended. Orange Crush, Cali Gold, Belladonna, Master Kush, Sour Diesel, Big Cheese, Casey Jones, Jacks Cleaner, Kush, Blue Dragon, Big Cheese, Master Kush, Vortex, Gorilla Grape, ASD /
Asperger's Syndrome
See Autism below. Autism High sativa content strains are recommended; LA Confidential is one to try. Blue Haze, Bipolar Disorder 20% Sativa - 80% Indica hybrids. 4-Way, Blackberry Kush, Dutch Treat, Skunk #1, Lemon Skunk, Pakalolo, Eldorado, Raspberry Kush, Brain Damage Banana OG, Cannatonic, Panama Red, Kali Mist, Aurora Indica, Cancers Please see here. Phoenix Tears (oil), Also investigate Joshua Stanley and the Stanley brothers. Blue Dragon, Cerebral Palsy Tessa, Death Star, Blackberry Kush, Cali Gold, Purple Urkle, Chronic Pain Indica hybrids (Indica x Sativa) for pain symptoms. Grand Daddy Purple, God's Gift, Cali Hash Plant, C2, OG Kush, Master Kush, Vortex, Pineapple Express, Kashmir, Maui Waui, Sour Diesel, Blue Cheese, Northern Lights/Haze, Afghan, Shiva, COPD Indica dominant hybrids. Crohns Disease OG Kush, Blue Dragon, Purple Pheno, Ultimate Trainwreck, Diabetes Jack Herer, Sour Diesel, Hemp Oil, Gorilla Grape, Five-O, - See more at:


Blue   Devil

New to the World of Medical Marijuana...I suggest


>>>The one thing you will appreciate is how great the eBook is formatted! It really is easy as 1,2,3!>>>

After reading this guide you'll be amazed at just how beneficial Medical Marijuana really is at treating major medical conditions. Conditions that currently require thousands of dollars of medication, countless doctor's visits, and so mush more! Yes! All can be effectively treated with Medical Marijuana!

So make sure you benefit from the astonishing effectiveness of Medical Marijuana with this guide. Learn which strain is best for your condition right here right now!

Use this e book as a guide, as your introduction into Medical Marijuana. Learn and understand exactly how Medical Marijuana relates to many of our most serious medical conditions and more importantly learn how it can be used to effectively treat them.

Formatted for extremely easy understanding and access. This e book is intended to help you to see Medical Marijuana in its correct perspective and hopefully act as a starting point Hopefully serve as starting point for you to learn more about he medicinal properties of Cannabis.

Listed here are 15 of the most severe medical conditions treatable with Medical Marijuana. Each condition is defined thoroughly followed by the benefits of using Medical Cannabis and finally suggesting the most effective strain for the condition. Easy formatted as 1,2,3 as shown below to get you the information you need quickly and easily.

1. The Condition - As medicinally defined explaining in detail 
both cause and effect (if known) 
2. The Benefits - Just exactly how Medical Marijuana 
benefits the aforementioned condition 
3. The Strain - Best strain of Medical Marijuana 
(or most recommended) in relation to the condition

Use this guide to make sure you're not overwhelmed by all of the information regarding Medical Marijuana being thrown at you as the industry itself tries to keep up with the technology. Things can understandably get to be a bit much. Not to mention more and more strains coming to the market each day. It can all be little too much to remember. So keep this guide close as a reference point when needed!

Does Yoga Heal - Is Hot Yoga Effectively The Best Thing Going

Can we really use the Inner-Sanctum of Yoga to heal?

Should we could we combine the calming effects of our Yoga in with our Marijuana medication? Namely some Purple Haze...and say take it a little slower...A little more Spiritual on a few more levels?

Seemingly or even more strangely Yoga does seem to fit in perfectly with the digital age oddly enough. I mean you have to admit it a good Yoga session goes great with a Pad afterwards to get plugged right back into the Digital Grid without missing a beat, or at least to many texts. Yet the Yoga class seems to bring us back into our own and in a unique way I must say, the balance the harmony the inner-peace all comes into balance bringing about a inner-peace moreless solitude. Missing a beat. The one time we can actually forget our pin numbers or pass-codes is during our Yoga sessions.To learn more about Yoga and all of its benefits...CLICKHERE!

Home Grown - Can We Use Solar Energy And Get Hydropnic Results

Legal Disclaimer: 
The Cannabis pictured below is for Medical use only and will not be enjoyed in any,way shape or form!

 Juicyfruit - Is the strain above it was grown 100% Hydroponically indoors, so the obvious question is can we use Residential Solar to achieve the same results? Take a look at this article and see what you think of the two working together to produce some quality in-house Medical Marijana for those that have the need for it...

Free Unlimited Energy From The Sky...Is It True!!!
Nikola Tesla Secret 

 A Home Growers Dream Come True!

Free Power systems are devices and techniques that help you harness energy from the sky, or rather from free resources around you, so that you don't have to pay monthly electricity bills anymore. The devices help you generate usable electricity for your household indefinitely.
There are several methods available to generate electricity from free energy sources. The most popular focuses on three areas that have been proven to be efficient, reliable, and cost effective. Believe it or not, you can use the TV and Radio signals around you to generate electricity. These signals are primarily intended to carry information, but they possess electromagnetic energy that could be converted to electrical energy. Usable current electricity can be generated from static electricity. Radiant energy is always present in the atmosphere, day and night, in the form of solar radiation and cosmic rays. Tesla's Secret Device provides you appliances that help you harness these free sources of energy to generate electricity for your home.
However, you must keep in mind the dangerous nature of electricity. If not handled properly, electric devices and conductors can be fatal. It is recommended tofollow the instructions precisely and with caution, or hire the services of a qualified professional in installing their devices. In fact, it would be better if you started installing small devices first to get the hang of it, before proceeding to a full scale installation to generate electricity for your entire household.
The concept of free energy is over a hundred years old, and free energy devices are being used by enthusiasts all over the world. A few devices that are considers the best choices, among this vast array of devices based on varying principles
Among the various users of free energy, is the inventor of floppy disk and other devices, Dr. Nakamat. The electricity for his entire huge house with over 30 guest rooms is generated using free energy devices, based on the principles of Nicola Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter. Dr. Nakamat's free energy system is so efficient that after expending tremendous amount of electricity for the needs of his house, the system still generates electrical energy to be sold to the Tokyo Electric Power Company!

Cannabis - The Best Medical Marijuana Documentaries You will Ever See!

For a nice clean unbiased lesson in Medical Marijuana/Marihuana this is your video!  100% Free for your enjoyment and learning pleasures so take advantage, the info in this video is very well formatted and take advantage. Stay tuned for more videos to come - Thanks to YouTube!!!!

Make sure to watch (few times) and learn and grow literally! 

Learn which Strain is best for which Condition(s) RIGHT HERE!
Let's start out with the most potent and roll down hill from there!

Featured Strain:        Juicy Fruit/Fruit Juicy  
Juicy Fruit/Fruit Juicy 

STRAIN INFO... Below is the info on this strain from medical perspective use to your advantage...enjoy! you'll need on the strain

Grade: A+ (overall)
Type: Cross breed Hybrid, Sativa Dominant
Looks: Nice And Dense, Light Green Buds Frosted with small light orange hairs woven throughout beautiful.
Smell: Pleasantly pungent very Fruity but with a dairy smell as well kind of like a Fruit Yogurt a unique smelling strain to say the least..
Taste: Fruity, a nice even mix of several fruits with a pleasant Earthy Sativa taste at the end.
Effects: Potent, ranks up there with the best Sativa’s around! Gives a great head high!

Potency: Definitely one of the most potent strains of medical marijuana currently available, that many say deal easily and quickly with some of the most severe conditions associated with Medical Marijuana. An overall highly recommended strain for several related conditions.

 Strain Highly recommended For: Appetite, Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia.

Juicy Fruit is the original name of Sensi Seeds' 55/45 hybrid that they now call Fruity Juice, it  throws out strong Fruit smells and tastes sweet and smooth, and many users describe it tasting like Pina Colada and dark berries or plums. The buds are colorful (pictured) and may exhibit the entire spectrum of cannabis coloring. Juicy A cross hybrid between a Thailand Sativa and an Indica from Afghanistan. May explain why this strain is so potent at an incredible 20% THC content, do use with caution!
Sativa is dominant in Juicy Fruit. It boosts moods, fills users with energy and seems to create a 'time warp', slowing the perception of time for the users. The high can last up to three hours and can stimulate focus and creativity. The cerebral effects taper off without leaving users feeling drained. As a result, the strain is often prescribed as daytime relief for depression, stress, and anxiety. A mild body high may also accompany the cerebral effects and can assist in alleviating pain and nausea.

Cultivating:    This strain may be hard to grow outdoors, but it thrives indoors or in a greenhouse. Juicy Fruit's Sativa dominance shines through again as plants can reach up to three meters in height. The strain needs between 50 and 60 days to finish flowering. It can reportedly produce a large yield with up to 20% THC

Cannabis Marijuana - Legalize It Already!

Envision signing onto a site like Ebay yet rather than garments or hardware it has weed available to be purchased. It has the same straightforward steps and survey framework as Ebay. You pick your strain, pay and sit tight for it to be conveyed. Sounds sufficiently basic, isn't that so? That is on account of it ought to be that easy to purchase weed on the web.

1. Individuals Are Already Doing It

I went over the subject of discovering a merchant online prior this year. It was demonstrated that numerous individuals are searching for merchants in our remark segments. Individuals are additionally moving to informal organizations to discover their fallen angel's lettuce and that's just the beginning. Individuals are utilizing Instagram and Twitter to discover their hookup. Boisterous did a comparative anecdote about individuals offering incline toward Instagram. It demonstrated the side of Instagram that is driven by merchants offering medications uninhibitedly without a stress.

2. silk Road 2.0 Instant Rise

Silk Road alone demonstrated that purchasing weed online can be simple and moderate. It's most prominent class was cannabis with a great many offers on bootleg market of the profound web. It was still scrappy to a great many people obscure to the profound web. You need to utilize a program called Tor that covers a client's area or use from anybody leading system observation or activity investigation. At the point when buying anything on Silk Road you need to utilize bitcoins, a circulated, shared advanced cash that capacities without the intermediation of any focal power.

Silk Road being around didn't generally make me imagine that we would be purchasing weed legitimately online later on. It's the way that Silk Road 2.0 has effectively relaunched inside months of the FBI closing down the first Silk Road. There are more than 7,000 enlisted on Silk Road 2.0 in only 2 days. Buying weed/drugs online is in such an interest, even on the profound web, that it will move to the whole web soon enough.

3. Bitcoins

Like I expressed above, Bitcoins are a circulated, distributed advanced cash that capacities without the intermediation of any focal power. Bitcoins let you buy things online namelessly. 1 bitcoin is equvilent to 286.32 US dollars right now. It is continually changing like stock numbers. Not long ago a bitcoin was just worth around 100 US dollars.

Forbes did an anecdote about purchasing a gram from Silk Road and had a Bitcoin-centered software engineering scientist find their buy. Forbes did however give the scientist their Bitcoin locations of their buy from Silk Road. In the event that they didn't offer that to the specialist, it would of been considerably more hard to recognize their data. Standard sites like Ebay are investigating utilizing bitcoins. It won't be long until bitcoins get to be another standard method for buying things on the web.

4. You Can Easily Buy Seeds Online

It isn't new to anyone that cannabis seeds are accessible everywhere throughout the web. However, it is illicit to buy cannabis seeds in the US yet happens always. Numerous cultivators in states with unfavorable cannabis laws need to turn to something. These seeds are getting past traditions and right to the soil to be developed. That is the reason the administration needs to adjust, legitimize and move to profiting off weed like Colorado and Washington.

5. Conveyance Services

Conveyance administrations like L.A Speed Weed and others have been appearing more with laws getting to be agreeable to cannabis legitimateness. A couple of years prior I prescribed a companion to cannabis conveyance administration. He portrayed it as snappy and simple. After I got off the telephone with him I articulated, "If weed can be conveyed lawfully, what's next for weed?" Whelp, its resulted in these present circumstances, purchasing pot online is next for weed.

In the event that it is that easy to have maryjane conveyed to you, then purchasing it online ought to just make it less demanding. Pot aggregates as of now have their menus on the web. Before long you will have the capacity to request straightforwardly from their site, as L.A Speed Weed. At that point possibly they will convey it actually or you will sit tight for to come via the post office. This is what's to come.

6. Innovation

None of this would be conceivable without innovation. All the codes that make up bitcoins, sites, Tor and pretty much everything else we do. Much the same as innovation is making the majority of this conceivable. Innovation can perhaps be the reason the administration stops this before it gets going. We should trust the administration brings a superior methodology with internet purchasing then they did with prohibition. cannabis

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